Scott Griswold
September 28, 2024

Search Reasons for Belief

I really wonder how to answer my friends' questions abut God, Creation, Jesus, the Bible, and other issues of great importance. So many people wonder if there are logical reasons for believing in what they cannot see.


I am fascinated by the way Paul shared about God with the philosophers at Athens in Acts 17. He so carefully connected with what the people already believed and then tied it to truths about God. I’m also intrigued by Paul’s switch of approach in his next stop which was at Corinth. Speaking about the way he shared there, he said, “My goal while I was with you was totalk about only one thing. And that was Jesus Christ and his death on the cross.  When I came to you, I was weak and very afraid and trembling all over. I didn’t preach my message with clever and compelling words. Instead, my preaching showed the Holy Spirit’s power. This was so that your faith would be based on God’s power. Your faith would not be based on human wisdom” (2 Corinthians 2:2-5 NIRV).


People are not usually led to believe in God only by logic. It seems to take God's love and His power in unique and special ways. Still, every one of the gospel preachers in the Bible used prophecy and its fulfilment and other logical explanations. I know God does not bypass people’s minds. He continues to say, “Come let us reason together.” However, that verse continues with some very special words showing us God's deep desire is not merely to convince us but to make our sins as “white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18 NKJV).


There is definitely a barrier blocking everyone's belief and that is the deceitfulness of our own sinful hearts. I'm not saying that everyone who doesn't believe is not sincere. I'm just recognizing there is a deep need for every seeker to cry out humbly, "God, if you are out there, open my eyes to see you. Give me a heart that is willing to know you, whatever it costs me." I believe that is a prayer he can and will answer.

With that introduction, I encourage you to pursue a deeper knowledge of reasons for belief. There are many sites to explore here at on this topic on the English page under "Search Reasons for Belief."

Let us know if you have a resource to recommend as well.

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