Scott Griswold
June 1, 2024

In Living Sound

Besides the Bible, the three books that I have read over and over are The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy, and Steps to Christ. Jesus first became real to me as I pictured how He treated people as depicted in the Desire of Ages. I was captured by Jesus' love as the chapter "Calvary" unveiled Jesus' willingness to never exist again so that I could be with His Father forever.

Steps to Christ helped me wrestle with the depths of salvation in a way simple enough to live.

The Great Controversy threw me into God's word to examine prophecy, end-time fulfillment, and every essential doctrine.

I invite you to explore these volumes for the first time or afresh through the beautifully expressive reading of Nancy Hamilton. You will find all three audiobooks gathered nicely in one place at Audio Verse. You can also find her recordings on YouTube separately under The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy, and Steps to Christ.

You can order the books online or read them for free here: The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy and Steps to Christ.

You can purchase the audio book read by Nancy Hamilton through Remnant Publications.

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