Scott Griswold
October 16, 2024

I Was Hungry

The King of kings upon his throne

Will one day come to claim His own

Like shepherds split the goats and sheep

He’ll show which ones are safe to keep

Our Shepherd said He will be pleased

By kindness to the least of these

We’ll know we’re fit for heav’n above

As He declares these words of love:

“I was hungry and you shared

My thirst is gone because you cared

War and danger made me flee

I had no home, you welcomed me.

I was naked, full of fear

You gave me clothes and drew me near

You held my hand when I was ill

I went to jail—you helped me still”

This King Himself once left his throne

He chose a body like our own

Felt our hunger, bore our curse

Was a prisoner, cried, “I thirst!”B

ecame just like the least of these

He joined our pain to set us free

To take our selfishness away

So He could one day gladly say:

“I was hungry and you shared

My thirst is gone because you cared

War and danger made me flee

I had no home, you welcomed me.

I was naked, full of fear

You gave me clothes and drew me near

You held my hand when I was ill

I went to jail—you helped me still”

Based on Jesus' parable in Matthew 25:31-46.

Soak up more of His message in this beautiful reading of "The Least of These" in Desire of Ages.

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