August 24, 2024

Broken Pieces of My Heart

Broken pieces of my heart

All the dreams that fell apart

Gentle Jesus found each one

Never stopped ’til He was done

Made true beauty from my mess

Where I saw just brokenness


But it tore His feet and hands

Now the scars forever stand

Only sign of sin above

Witness to the greatest love


One day He will come again

Lift me from my world of sin

Banish night and all my fears

Answer questions, wipe my tears

Nothing bitter, only sweet

I will worship at His feet

Then I’ll gaze into that face

Wounded by most costly grace


For it tore His feet and hands

Now the scars forever stand

Only sign of sin above

Witness to the greatest love

Whether no one knows our temptations or our whole world knows our addictions, the broken pieces shatter our joy and confidence. Whether our brokenness came primarily from our poor choices or from others' hurtfulness, there is hope in the gentle touch of Jesus' nail-scarred hands. I hope this poem has inspired you to lean more on Him to make beauty from the mess.

We need to remember Jesus was often accused for hanging out with "failures." He was born into a faulty gene pool, lived with dysfunctional disciples, died among thieves, and rose to daily intercede for the rest of us. He has answers for today's pain. He will come soon to personally wipe every tear that is still in our eyes.

Here are some of the wonderful resources available at this website. Some are counseling resources. Some are stories of lives made beautiful out of serious failure and addiction.


Straight 2 the Heart Inc.

Beautiful Minds Wellness Virtual Classroom

Resources for Pornography Addiction  

Gateway to Wholeness

Living Free - You Can Quit

Sexual Abuse - Reclaiming Hope

Forgive to Live

Comfort for the Day

A Multitude of Counselors

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