Scott Griswold
December 25, 2024

A Christmas Story for Everyone

The angel that announced Jesus' birth was clear: "I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to ALL people" (Luke 2:10). The elderly Simeon who had been studying the prophecies was sure this baby Jesus was "Salvation which You have prepared before the face of ALL peoples" (Luke 2:30-31). The God-sent star made it clear that God's gift of love was definitely not just for Jews but for everyone.

During the Christmas season, many of us think about the deep meaning in the story of Jesus' birth. You can explore The True Events Surrounding the Birth of Jesus in a well-written article. I've written out the story for those who have never heard it and are trying to make sense of what they see around them during this holiday--the gifts, songs, lights, angels, stars, and Santa Clause too. This one I like to share with my Buddhist friends: The Meaning of Christmas. This one I share with my Muslim friends: The Birth of Jesus Explained in Symbols and Signs. I think you will enjoy both.

You can also find them here as a narrated story to share in a Christmas program. The Narrated Story of the Meaning of Christmas or the Narrated Birth of Jesus Explained in Symbols and Signs.

And if you know the story's meaning well, if your heart has been touched and your life changed by the birth of Jesus, then may this poem inspire you to share the wonderful news with ALL too.

Shepherds in their poverty

Dreamed of fulfilled prophecy

Watched their flocks from night to night

‘Til suddenly they saw a light

Angels sent from up above

Told them of God’s gift of love

“I bring you news of greatest joy

Heaven’s best wrapped in a boy

Christ the Lord and Savior too

Run and see, He came for you

Give God glory, praise on high

Peace, goodwill shall never die

In a manger love now dwells

Take this story, go and tell”

Now the lights are red and green

Christ in Christmas, barely seen

Santa Clause and crowded stores

Frosted trees and gifts galore

If we’ll stop and listen long

We still can hear the angels’ song

“I bring you news of greatest joy

Heaven’s best wrapped in a boy

Christ the Lord and Savior too

Run and see, He came for you

Give God glory, praise on high

Peace, goodwell shall never die

In a manger love now dwells

Take this story, go and tell”


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